

Brand Designer in Amsterdam

Often seen smiling, bursting with limitless energy, and deeply committed to his passion for design.


OmertáIn the dimly lit, labyrinthine streets of an old Sicilian village, whispers of a sacred vow swirled through the air like the smoke from a clandestine cigar. This vow, known as Omertá, was a code of silence, an unspoken pact among the members of a secretive brotherhood, binding them in loyalty and secrecy. To break Omertá was to invite dishonor, and in the shadowy world of these sworn men, silence was a currency more valuable than gold. Fast forward to the modern-day hustle of the city's business district, where the essence of this ancient code has been reborn in a different guise. Here, Omertá stands as a beacon of exclusivity and sophistication, but not in the underworld's cloak and dagger. Instead, it manifests as an elite business lounge and smokers' club, accessible only by invitation. Nestled discreetly within a high-rise, Omertá is a haven for the discerning elite.


Proximity menu conceptThe best click is no click. Before you say it, yes, I know this would make the area under the menu unusable. No it will not work for mobile. This is a desktop app that where that area is void of anything. This would be used as a secondary navigation, primary is a different, keyboard centric element. The goal is to not have navigation take up visual noise, so the content of the app can be focused on. Still debating using this, but I think if done correctly it could work well.
