Session Brand Identity BentoSession is an upcoming fitness app that will revolutionize how people exercise. The goal is to make your workouts more productive and effective with 20-30-minute sessions. All exercises are designed using body weight and basic equipment only. Based on your feedback, the app uses an AI system to create workout plans designed specifically for you.​​​​​​​ #logo #branding #appdesign

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Product Design PortfolioYes! It took some time, but I now have an online portfolio! It includes case studies for Trengo and Eindsprint, among others. As you can probably tell, it's an ongoing project, and I'll definitely be adding more work in the near future. Like every designer, I'm eager to tweak and improve things even further. You can find my website here—it's handy to have my own URL! www.robscholten.nl

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Donzies - Task management, simplifiedDo you often feel like the interface of your favorite task management is hurting your productivity rather than helping it? So do I, and many others. Check out my latest design to see my take on productivity management. Designed for shrinking attention spans and atention disorders, the focus mode will become your new superpower. Any feedback is much appreciated: www.behance.net/gallery/204288549/donezies-UXUI-task-management-behaviral-design


Graphite Logo ExplorationAn open-source and free design software made by very passionate volunteers. For this #logo , I wanted to nod to Graphite’s roots. The current logo features a pencil, which is a big favorite among the folks who contribute to the software. So, I made sure to keep that iconic pencil in my design by giving it a little twist. By playing with negative space, I not only kept the pencil but also introduced a node, which is a key part of Graphite’s features.

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Bento Design for SaaS WebsiteFeature Blocks: Quick Summaries: Provides industry insights in one place, encouraging users to build upon existing knowledge. Manage Your Wallets: Offers analytic reports and smart notifications for informed decision-making. More Source: Encourages exploration and learning. Statistics Section: Positioned to the right, it showcases impressive stats to build credibility. Perspective: The design prioritizes readability, user engagement, and brand identity. Remember, as a UI/UX designer, user-centricity and intuitive navigation are paramount. These screens aim to empower users while maintaining a visually appealing experience. 🚀#web #product #bento

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