Training Demand Forecasting Dashboard — Not every idea is a success. In collaboration with two creatives I’ve worked with for over two years, we explored how to innovate the training landscape. After three months of research and testing our proposition, we gained important insights. Occupancy rates and enrollment numbers are critical factors for a training organization’s profitability. To optimize these metrics, training offerings need to be continuously aligned with demand. However, this is a complex and labor-intensive process that’s rarely done on an ongoing basis. With Konabe, you can determine the optimal training offerings in real time. This helps you increase occupancy rates, close underperforming courses, and identify new revenue opportunities. Here’s how Konabe works: Connect your sales data and training offerings to Konabe. Access insights into your current offerings via an action dashboard. Open and close courses based on demand. During development, however, questions arose around complexity, scalability, and the need for custom support. Ultimately, we decided not to proceed further with this concept, but the process was a valuable experience in “killing your darlings.” As we speak, we are now working on a new proposition.