Instant searchWherever you are on the platform, just hit CMD+K on your keyboard—go ahead, try it now! The search box will appear instantly. Start typing, and it will quickly filter through hashtags and members. If you’re looking for posts, simply hit enter to see an overview feed with all the relevant posts. #search #updates #cmdk Powered by the fast and composable unstyled command menu from @paco – visit cmdk.paco.me

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Proximity menu conceptThe best click is no click. Before you say it, yes, I know this would make the area under the menu unusable. No it will not work for mobile. This is a desktop app that where that area is void of anything. This would be used as a secondary navigation, primary is a different, keyboard centric element. The goal is to not have navigation take up visual noise, so the content of the app can be focused on. Still debating using this, but I think if done correctly it could work well.
