Bento Design for SaaS WebsiteFeature Blocks: Quick Summaries: Provides industry insights in one place, encouraging users to build upon existing knowledge. Manage Your Wallets: Offers analytic reports and smart notifications for informed decision-making. More Source: Encourages exploration and learning. Statistics Section: Positioned to the right, it showcases impressive stats to build credibility. Perspective: The design prioritizes readability, user engagement, and brand identity. Remember, as a UI/UX designer, user-centricity and intuitive navigation are paramount. These screens aim to empower users while maintaining a visually appealing experience. 🚀#web #product #bento

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Proximity menu conceptThe best click is no click. Before you say it, yes, I know this would make the area under the menu unusable. No it will not work for mobile. This is a desktop app that where that area is void of anything. This would be used as a secondary navigation, primary is a different, keyboard centric element. The goal is to not have navigation take up visual noise, so the content of the app can be focused on. Still debating using this, but I think if done correctly it could work well.
