Gold Medal — Hey Hey Hey 👋, Visual exploration of the construction of a medal for the first place or for the one who got the highest score in a video game, part of one of the rewards, for passing that section in extremely difficult. Visual exploration made entirely in Pixso, although the star was already made in Sketch. What do you think? I think I can improve some more things but we are on the right track.
Custom Icons for StampMyVisa — I made some custom icons for the onboarding screens for stampmyvisa.
Sync SaaS CRM Framer Template — What better way to begin my Today's Design journey. Hereby I'm sharing our latest #framer template. If you'd like to check it out, you can visit the following link: 🔗 Please let me know what you think about it! Your feedback is appreciated! 😁 And if you'd like to purchase the template you can use code SYNC25 for a 25% discount code. 🪄
Wait times at Disney parks on a little graph — A while ago I did a little graph to show attractions wait times throughout the day 🎢⏳📈 It's part of a an app to help guest during their journey in the parks