

Product designer in Nantes

  • Nantes

OpslanHi all 👋, I wanted to share Opslan, a bookmarking app I designed a while ago to help you easily save and rediscover websites that inspire you. It never saw the light, but I still feel it could be relevant. As a designer, I aimed to create a tool that combines a visually appealing interface with powerful search capabilities. With Opslan, you can archive your favorite sites and keep them well-organized for future reference, all without the clutter of traditional bookmarks. #web #website


Bauhaus in motion…I’m on a journey to up my 3D game so I came up with this scene, simulated the keycaps and rendered out this animation in Blender. A lot of art direction was involved to manipulate the simulation to ensure the G key would be consistently visible throughout the animation.
