New Ayam™ — For several months, we have accompanied the Ayam™, a leader in Asian grocery, in the redesign of their french website. Our mission has been comprehensive, including the development of a new tone of voice and innovative artistic direction for the sector. #web #illustration #design
Matthieu Leclerc
Art Director in france
« golf, poney, transat, selfie »
- france
Halo Flip Poster — Poster, type & color exploration. Based on the lyrics from @vegynvegyn "Halo flip". Using @pangram.pangram Pangaia font. #poster #web #typography landing page — I'm thrilled to announce the launch of! We're building a vibrant new community where designers can connect, share their work, and celebrate the best in design each and every day. Join us to explore inspiring designs, engage with fellow creatives, and showcase your own unique projects. #community #website
RXK Studio Portfolio — New portfolio made with talented developer, Michael Garcia. Enjoy live website here: ↳ #design #portfolio #typography
Something cool — Fun stuff with colors and layouts. Yes I like cards. #artdirection #concepts #inspiration
Magnetic — Skateboarding House — Layout and type explorations between projects. Magnetic is a fictional skateboard brand. #branding #web #exploration