Bobby Anderson




Bento Design for SaaS WebsiteFeature Blocks: Quick Summaries: Provides industry insights in one place, encouraging users to build upon existing knowledge. Manage Your Wallets: Offers analytic reports and smart notifications for informed decision-making. More Source: Encourages exploration and learning. Statistics Section: Positioned to the right, it showcases impressive stats to build credibility. Perspective: The design prioritizes readability, user engagement, and brand identity. Remember, as a UI/UX designer, user-centricity and intuitive navigation are paramount. These screens aim to empower users while maintaining a visually appealing experience. 🚀#web #product #bento

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Gold MedalHey Hey Hey 👋, Visual exploration of the construction of a medal for the first place or for the one who got the highest score in a video game, part of one of the rewards, for passing that section in extremely difficult. Visual exploration made entirely in Pixso, although the star was already made in Sketch. What do you think? I think I can improve some more things but we are on the right track.

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