Instant search — Wherever you are on the platform, just hit CMD+K on your keyboard—go ahead, try it now! The search box will appear instantly. Start typing, and it will quickly filter through hashtags and members. If you’re looking for posts, simply hit enter to see an overview feed with all the relevant posts. #search #updates #cmdk Powered by the fast and composable unstyled command menu from @paco – visit

I like how instant it is! 🤩 Only ~35ms avg for search results 🤯
Nice Giel, this makes our searches faster and more fluid
@pedrobrands, great to hear that! Are there any other features you’re missing on the platform? What would you like to see next?
@pedrobrands @giel, imo we need a messages feature, It would be nice to be able to connect more directly, thanks :)
@aledr this feature is coming very soon!
@pedrobrands @aledr I wanted to let you know that the direct messaging feature has just launched! You can read the full announcement here: