Kelvin Man


Los Angeles

❋ Building studiosupernice.com


🍿 whereto.streamIf you're on the hunt for a country streaming your favorite movie or TV show, or trying to pinpoint the platform where it's available, whereto.stream is your go-to for easily finding your next watch. Big thanks to the goat himself @giel for teaming up on this project!

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Brutal finance trackerCheck out our latest brainchild, the "Finance Tracker" app. This isn't your average budgeting tool—it's a design concept crafted in Figma and animated with Jitter, built to do more than just monitor your stash. It’s here to push your financial goals from dreams to reality with an interface so slick, it'll make your bank account look good. #web #fintech #appdesign




Bas de haan logoMade a rooster for my friend Bas. His last name means rooster in dutch. The monogram is created on a grid, since he is a furniture maker and specialises in perfect corner-connections and details in his work.

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Tattoodaily monogramWorking on the identity for an app made for tattoo artists, making it easier for everyone to schedule appointments and handle payments. The monogram is based on a calendar and includes the letter 'T'.

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todays.design landing pageI'm thrilled to announce the launch of todays.design! We're building a vibrant new community where designers can connect, share their work, and celebrate the best in design each and every day. Join us to explore inspiring designs, engage with fellow creatives, and showcase your own unique projects. #community #website
