Drag-and-drop interaction for document archival — Quick mockup I made in Figma to get the idea out of my head. No project in mind. Just for fun. :)
- mightyscout.com
- Amsterdam
Custom Icons for StampMyVisa — I made some custom icons for the onboarding screens for stampmyvisa.
🍿 whereto.stream — If you're on the hunt for a country streaming your favorite movie or TV show, or trying to pinpoint the platform where it's available, whereto.stream is your go-to for easily finding your next watch. Big thanks to the goat himself @giel for teaming up on this project!
Antarctic research illustration — A graphic illustrating investment and development opportunities to further develop research of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic Nearshore Coastal Research.
Creating a tab group — Celebrating this platform by adding todays.design to a new folder in tabOS - everything done with CSS/React, even the folder expanding/collapsing